What Is A Swimming Pool Clarifier?

Let’s get started by talking about swimming pool clarifiers. Swimming pool clarifiers are products that are designed to help the floating particles in your pool “clump up”, allowing them to be disposed of by your pool filter, and clearing up your water to ensure that it is not cloudy or otherwise dirty.
Cloudy water can obscure visibility when swimming, which makes it more difficult for swimmers to stay safe in the water. It’s also unappealing, and makes swimming a bit less fun. However, it is important to note that, even if the water is cloudy, it is perfectly safe to swim in if the chlorine levels are adequate, and the water is otherwise in good condition.
Because swimming pool clarifiers are used to clear up your pool, they are often confused with flocculants. However, the two products are completely different.
We’ll explain in further detail later on. But for now, we’ll just say that swimming pool clarifiers tend to be better for the hands-off, long-term maintenance of your pool, while flocculants are better at getting rid of a large number of particles at once, but require more “elbow grease” to do their job properly. Source from https://www.evernote.com/shard/s412/sh/a2cc01ae-0ff2-415c-a4b2-389c19ca3bdf/76ca9969f25d67d812735481d7abeb8e

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